Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just some different things..

On Monday, AnaBean went swimming "by herself" (she kept saying "I'm swimming by mysilf") with arm floaties on. Up until now, she's always worn a life jacket, but never really felt comfortable enough to give it a try on her own (with someone standing near by of course! But she didn't want to let go of anyone). So, I thought I'd try these floaties and see how she'd do. Well, she LOVED it. She'd take right off and go non stop. After about 30-45 minutes of constant moving, we went home and had a snack. She passed out at the table!!! (photo below!)This is her new style. Notice in her stroller is an Easter basket that has an ice scraper for the car hanging out of it. And she LOVES Daddy's straw John Deere hat!! :) What a beauty she is!
Getting ready to go in...

:*) Mommy is SO proud of you Angel Face!
She's so proud of herself too. :)

Thanks for looking. I'm SO blessed to be this little girls Mom!
Thank You, God.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here's the "Happy Face": And the "Sad Face":
And just to throw this one in there...its my "Dancing Queen" :)

Mommy & Her girl!

I love my baby girl more than words can even BEGIN to describe. So, I won't even try. You'll see it, in photos instead :) Smiles from my girl:
Mommy says "Peace Dudes"
:)~~~~ Silly AnaBean & Mommy:

Adriana: I love you baby girl. YOU are the light of my life. YOU are what puts a smile to my face one gazillion times a day. YOU are truly my inspiration for everything. YOU are our blessing from God. I couldn't imagine my life without YOU. BIG HUGS and LOTS of MOOCHES to you my Angel Face.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bean, just being her silly self!

AnaBean, being her self. Silly girl! "Cheese Mommy" is what she kept saying, ;) See how long her hair is getting. She's had 2 trims since December and I think we're going for a bigger "cut" next time. Just a little over a trim...nothing major ;) Daddy would have a heart attack!
One tired girl....

She was starting to laugh at something, then be serious, then say cheese all at the same time...this is the end result.

Ana & Daddy having fun :) I think I've got her figured out...when he gets home and takes his work clothes off and puts on his shorts, she has to do the same...minus the shorts. LOL

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

My beautiful princess
Perfect toes
The Fam...waiting on the fireworks...
Aiden & AnaBean chompin' on some chips!

Daddy & AnaBean, relaxin' while we wait

Dustin being the goofball that he is ;) (Love ya honey!)

Aiden, enjoying some more chips!

AnaBean & Mommy :)

The Firework show :)

I hope that this post finds that everyone had a fantastic 4th of July and had the chance to stop, think about and be thankful for all of the "Freedoms" that we have here in America! :)